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A little bit about 
RFK Columbia City...
Thank you for choosing to learn about the Royal Family Kids Camp here in Columbia City! I am constantly blown away by the hearts of our volunteers and donors. What we do here at RFK is not possible without you!

We are a week-long summer camp that is specifically designed for the children in our local foster care system. For one week out of the summer we pour as much love, encouragement, and hope into these incredibly special (and so often forgotten) children. Our campers come to us with histories of neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, abandonment, and terrible mistreatments. However; for the week that we have them, we focus on their hopeful futures rather than their hurtful pasts.

Why is a Camp like this so important? 

  • Less than 3% of kids who age out of the foster care system will go to college
  • 7 out of 10 girls in the foster care system will become pregnant by the age of 21
  • ​1 out of every 2 kids who age out of the foster care system will develop a substance abuse

Are you wondering if a week can really make a difference? Let me tell you about a young man I met named Darren. Darren was energetic, positive, smart, and excited about life. He had just graduated high school and was getting ready to start his first year of college. But instead of hanging out with his friends during his one last summer as a “kid”, he was volunteering at a Royal Family Kids Camp. He was volunteering as a camp counselor because Darren had spent his life in foster care and was a RFK camper multiple times.

 Less than 3 percent of kids who age out of the foster care system (like Darren did) will go to college. LESS THAN 3 PERCENT. In fact, a very large amount of young men in Darren’s shoes end up in jail, or homeless almost instantly once they turn 18. One evening we had the opportunity to ask Darren how and why he managed to be different than the many other young men in his circumstances. His response was this, “ Every time my friends would start doing drugs, breaking the law or getting with girls I would just stop and think about my Camp Grandma and Camp Grandpa. What would they think if they saw me doing this? I couldn’t stand the thought of disappointing them like that” 

The love, encouragement, and belief that was shown to Darren at camp changed the course of his entire life. For many of our campers, our camp will be the only time throughout the year that they are given love, positivity, and encouragement. Royal Family Kids Camp is sometimes the only place that shows them that there is a hope for their future, a different and better way to live life.

RFKC Columbia City is currently serving children just like Darren all across the north eastern region of Indiana. We take kids from Whitley County, Koskiosko County, Huntington County, LaGrange County (And more!) and break the cycles of abuse, neglect, and abandonment in their lives.

You want to be a part of something big? Be a part of RFK.

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